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With cash flow problems responsible for 82% of business failures in the United States, the need for swift and efficient payment processes is critical. Although you may be using traditional payment methods such as ACH or check, virtual cards have emerged as a fast and more streamlined alternative. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the speed advantages of virtual cards and explore why fast payments matter in the business world.

Virtual cards vs. other forms of payments

When it comes to speed, virtual cards outpace traditional payment methods by a significant margin. In fact, nearly 87% of virtual card payments are posted within 3 business days. Unlike checks or wire transfers that often involve manual processing, virtual cards allow for instant transactions. The unique digital nature of virtual cards eliminates the need for physical handling and mailing, translating to quicker payment cycles.

How can I benefit from faster payments?

Why are virtual cards so fast?

Integration with financial software: Virtual cards seamlessly integrate with financial software and systems. This streamlines the payment process by automating tasks such as reconciliation, approval workflows, and record-keeping.

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The information in this blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not legal or tax advice. For legal or tax advice, you should consult your own legal counsel, tax and investment advisers.